An Easier Way To Lose Weight & Keep it Off

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An Easier Way To Lose Weight & Keep it Off

If you have tried to lose weight in the past unsuccessfully, you are most likely familiar with counting calories, points and measuring everything you eat and you have seen first hand how hard it is to keep up with doing those things in order to maintain the results.

Effortless weight loss in Danbury CT

You’re not alone. 

Over the past 30 years, it has become very obvious to me that almost everyone struggles to lose weight and keep it off with those approaches, even though the weight loss industry has come up with all sorts of apps to help people with all the tracking that is required.

So, I’ve been thinking about how I can help people lose weight and keep it off without the need to track or measure anything, because let’s face it.  Having to keep track of everything you eat, sooner or later it leads to burnout. 

My research led to the creation of my unique approach to weight loss that requires no tracking of any kind to maintain the results. 

The main difference between my approach to weight loss and all other programs is not in the amount of weight, one can lose, but in the amount of effort required to lose the weight and to keep it off.

You see, the way I approach weight loss is by helping people make permanent changes in their habitual behaviors.  Over my 30+ years in the fitness industry I have identified 4 healthy habits that once developed, you body will naturally become lean and healthy.

Because with my approach people lose weight through permanent changes in their habitual behaviors, the only effort that is required is to develop the new habits, but once you do, keeping the weight off is effortless because your new healthy habits will be helping you maintain it automatically.

If you live in the Greater Danbury area and my approach to weight loss interests you, and would like to learn more, click the link below and schedule a Free Discovery Session with me.  There is absolutely no obligation to join or pressure selling:

Stavros Mastrogiannis

Practical Fitness Coach

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